Want to Conquer Mount Rinjani? First Know the Safe Tips for Climbing the Mountain!

Indonesia is indeed known as a country that has the most beautiful natural tourist destinations, one of which is Mount Rinjani on Lombok Island. For information, Mount Rinjani or Mount Rinjani is the second highest volcano in Indonesia which is never empty of visitors from various regions.

In a way, climbing Mount Rinjani is not as easy as one might imagine because in reality it requires physical and mental strength. So what are the tips that can be done to be able to climb Mount Rinjani safely? Before knowing more, first consider the following important information.

Get to know Mount Rinjani

As previously mentioned, Mount Rinjani is one of the mountains on the island of Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. Having an altitude of up to 3,726 meters above sea level, Mount Rinjani is the highest volcano in Indonesia and a favorite destination for climbers both from within and outside the country.

In the eyes of the people of Lombok, Mount Rinjani is considered so sacred that when an earthquake occurs it is considered as the anger of Dewi Anjani, the guardian of the mountain. Behind it all, climbing Mount Rinjani should not be done rashly, especially for people who have no experience climbing mountains.

Safe Tips for Climbing Mount Rinjani

Mount Rinjani is indeed famous for its amazing spots and natural scenery. However, it is very important to know that to reach the top of the mountain requires some careful preparation so that climbing activities can run safely and smoothly. Here are 9 tips that can be done when you want to conquer Mount Rinjani.

1. Do Research

Before deciding to climb Mount Rinjani, it’s a good idea to do some research first. This research can be done by knowing and studying each route or path that will be traversed so that it can easily determine the most appropriate climbing route.

Apart from that, also know how much the price for a package to climb Mount Rinjani so that later it can be adjusted according to the budget you have. For information, package prices for climbing Mount Rinjani vary widely and some even reach 1.6 million rupiah. This figure is not too expensive because the package is usually valid for 3 days 2 nights.

2. Physical and Mental Training

The next tip that can be done to be safe and smooth when climbing Mount Rinjani is to train physically and mentally. It should be kept in mind that Mount Rinjani is not an easy mountain to climb because it has a height that is not trivial so that the obstacles are far more numerous and very risky.

For that, prepare physically and mentally as well as possible, for example jogging in order to train stamina and endurance. Try to do regular exercise at least 2 to 3 weeks before climbing so that the body doesn’t drop on the way to the top of the mountain.

3. Prepare Hiking and Personal Equipment

Before climbing Mount Rinjani, be sure to prepare some complete climbing equipment and personal equipment. Some of the tools that need to be prepared include daypacks, carriers, rucksacks, trekking shoes or sandals, socks, and gaiters.

Hikers also need to prepare gloves, raincoats, thick jackets and head coverings. For sleeping and cooking purposes, climbers are required to bring mattresses, sleeping bags, tents, spoons and plates. Don’t forget to bring a flashlight and headlamp as a safety standard when climbing at night.

4. Bring Food and Medicine

If you want to climb a high mountain like Mount Rinjani, climbers must bring food. Examples of foods that can be carried and not make it difficult for climbers are fast foods such as whole wheat bread, oatmeal, canned sardines, and many other examples.

In addition to bringing food, climbers must also bring the necessary medicines if needed at any time. Hikers can bring medicines such as diarrhea medicine, ulcer medicine, wound medicine, cold medicine, pain medicine, vitamins, or other types of medicine that can be adjusted as needed.

5. Health Check

Before climbing Mount Rinjani, it is advisable to check your health so you can find out whether your body is able to travel up and down the mountain or not. If you have a history of asthma, then ask your doctor for advice and bring supportive medications.

If at any time you experience hypothermia while climbing, then immediately use warm clothes made of flannel. Change into wet clothes and take a moment to rest first.

6. Update Weather Forecast and Notify Nearby People

Before climbing Mount Rinjani, climbers must always update the weather forecast from the BMKG. If you don’t want your climbing plan to fail, then you should climb Mount Rinjani at the most appropriate time, namely in the middle of the year because the wind conditions are quite weak and the weather is fairly sunny.

Apart from updates with weather conditions, make sure to also inform those closest to you before going to climb Mount Rinjani. This aims to be alert at one time if climbers experience something unexpected there so that those closest to them can easily find it.

7. Use Porter or Guide Services

Please note that Mount Rinjani is one of the mountains with a challenging route and is quite tiring for climbers. Therefore, for beginners it is recommended to use the services of a porter or guide to make it much safer, why is that?

This is because the presence of a porter or guide service itself will be very important, especially if the climbers are carrying out a summit attack, the porters will guard the climbers’ luggage in the basecamp area. However, if climbers do not use the services of porters, then that means that teamwork must be solid when climbing Mount Rinjani.

8. Choose the Path According to the Itinerary

Compared to the Senaru route, the Sembalun route is the most popular path if you want to climb Mount Rinjani. During the climb, climbers will pass through the beautiful Sembalun savanna and winding mountain ridges with ravines on either side.

Meanwhile, the Senaru route is more dominant through the forest and the track is quite gentle. In a way, the Senaru route is a route that is often used by the local community to carry out traditional religious ritual ceremonies at the top of Rinjani or at Segara Anak Lake.

9. Set Up the Tent in the Right Location

Because the air on Mount Rinjani is very cold at night, don’t force yourself or your team to trek to the top. It’s best to set up a tent first and then take a short break so that your stamina is fit again and you can continue trekking to the top the next day.

For information, the best place to set up a tent when climbing Mount Rinjani is Plawangan Sembalun. However, keep in mind that the tent should be set up close to a spring so that when you need water you don’t have to bother walking far. Those are some safe tips that you can do if you want to climb Mount Rinjani on Lombok Island, West Nusa Tenggara. By applying the tips above, climbing Mount Rinjani can run more safely and minimize unwanted things.

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